
There are a few things that define who I am, and you’ll definitely see the threads of each come through in my posts:

  • Family and Friends Come First. I believe the people who mean the most to us come into our lives for a reason. I’m very close with my family – mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I’m the type of person who would rather have a few very close friends than an hundred acquaintances – and I’m fortunate to have met some really great friends throughout the years, many of whom are still an important part of my life, despite being scattered all over the U.S. They mean the world to me.
  • Fitness Fanatic. I’ve often described my time in the gym as the best part of my day. I started running with a college roommate back in 2001, and throughout the past decade, it’s snowballed into “as long as it’s challenging, I’ll try anything.” To say fitness is my passion doesn’t even start to do it justice. I’m lucky enough to share my love with others as a part-time group fitness instructor – I teach Pilates, Spinning and Piloxing – and I can think of nothing more rewarding. It truly feeds my soul.
  • Proud Clemson Grad. You know those people who talk about college as “the best four years” of their lives? Yup, I’m one of them. I was blessed to spend four amazing years at a beautiful school rich with tradition, receive a top-notch education, and make some of the best friends and memories a girl could ever hope for.
  • College Football Junkie. My friend and co-worker Helen actually tells people that she’s never met anyone who knows as much about college football as I do (caveat: I do know more than most women … and a lot of men. But it’s mostly Clemson related). I don’t consider September-December autumn, I consider it football season. During which I spend a lot of Saturdays parked in front of the television, yelling at ESPN.

So that’s a bit about what drives me, and what makes me who I am.



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